
Sending plaintext emails might seem out-of-date in the age of social media marketing. In reality, it’s the opposite. Email marketing works nearly as well as any other marketing channel when it comes to acquiring and keeping customers.

 In your digital marketing strategy, email should be a key component. If you don’t use email marketing, then you’re losing out on money. A great deal of traffic comes from email marketing, which is also our main means of communication with our Shield Bar Marketing clients.

Email Marketing: What is it?

One of the most lucrative channels for direct marketing is email marketing. A commercial email marketing message is sent to your newsletter subscribers, or people on your email list who have explicitly approved to receive your emails.

Email marketing helps drive sales, inform customers, and build communities around brands. You may refer to your email marketing as your “newsletter.” If it’s sent through a system, such as MailChimp and gives the recipient the option to unsubscribe, it is email marketing.

In modern email marketing, bulk mailings have been replaced by customized, segmented, and personalized offerings. Sending emails to prospects and customers is an extremely effective method of digital marketing. Prospects who receive marketing emails effectively become customers, and one-time buyers become loyal, repeated customers. Even if the email is not opened, they may see your message in preview and will probably see your name or your company’s name in the list of emails, reminding them of you.

Businesses use email marketing to increase leads, convert leads into customers, and stay in touch with customers for longer periods. However, email has many benefits beyond that. Businesses must create email lists before they can begin email marketing.

Why do you need an email list?

Your website can be set up to collect email addresses, usually in exchange for a free PDF download, discount coupon or exclusive behind-the-scenes access. These subscribed addresses may then be used for sending emails. If you want to sell your products or services, email lists can be used to send out blog posts, company announcements, and product or service announcements. 

The purpose of an email list is to compile contacts who have granted permission for you to send them updates and promotions from your business. 

With an email marketing program, you can create your email list, and then send mass emails to all your subscribers about your blog posts, online store, or other business services. 

Do you think buying an email list is a good idea?

No matter how tempting buying an email list might be, it’s risky. Those who didn’t sign up for your mailing list will likely mark your emails as spam. Plus, if they’ve never visited your website, they’re not as likely to be interested in your products. 

You should only send emails to people who have agreed to receive them. It’s not just legal, but also ethical.

Exactly why is it important to build an email list?

Email lists generate ten times more conversions than social media campaigns. Marketing via email requires an email list. Plus, email marketing is an “owned media,” where you are in charge of the list and often you send to it. You want to move people from your social media, that can be fleeting, to an owned media so you can continue to educate, entertain or market directly to your ideal client. 

If you offered a freebie in exchange for their email address, your subscribers were extremely interested in what you had to offer when they joined your email list from your website and clicked on the confirmation link. This makes them much more likely to convert into paying customers. 

Do you have some doubts about how important an email list really is?  Some reasons why it is important to have an email list are described below.

❖    Getting messages from customers is easy

Consumers check their emails every day at least 91% of the time, according to studies. Many people don’t check social media for days on end. Businesses would be wise to build an email list due to these statistics. 

A person receives your words directly in their inbox after you send an email. Social media makes it more likely for your customer to miss your update due to its nature. It demonstrates the advantage of using email lists to get your message in front of your customers in addition to social media. 

The importance of sound customer communication cannot be overemphasized. A stronger relationship with customers results in increased sales, boosts revenue, and delivers invaluable marketing. In contrast, failing to communicate with your clients will result in them forgetting about your brand.

❖    A chance to build brand advocacy

Brand advocacy is the process of an organization’s customer recommending its product to their friends and family members. 92% of people are willing to trust their friends and family, so the power of recommendation could be greater than all your other marketing efforts.

Sending them personalized messages on a frequent basis, dealing with their pain points, getting their feedback, rewarding their loyalty, and empathizing with them through their emotions can help you reach your audience. You will improve your customer retention rate as a result, and you will maximize your revenue!

❖    You can grow your business by building an email list 

The biggest challenge for marketers is still acquiring new customers. Four out of ten marketers state that acquiring customers is their top priority. It is possible to generate email leads for your business using content marketing, social media marketing and promotional events. Your focus should be on converting those leads into customers. Email marketing is the perfect method for achieving this. 

You can launch a lead retention campaign once you establish strong communication with your lead. This will educate, engage, and boost their trust. By doing so, you’ll boost your chances of converting them into customers.

❖    Sending emails builds trust

Your customers will trust you more when you send them emails. You can send emails to people to their inboxes so that they can read them privately. Neither a billboard nor social media timeline displays this message publicly. 

You can communicate more intimately. Customers can ask you questions by responding to your email since email lists make them feel like a part of a private conversation. Building trust and a relationship is easier this way.

❖    Faster results can be generated through email marketing

E-mail produces results faster, which is easy to understand. Your recipients can immediately read and open the email once it is delivered into their inboxes. This has become easier now that nearly everyone owns a smartphone. 

Most people open transactional emails, even though they tend to skip notifications and promotional emails. In addition to those who save them for later reading, those who read them within 24 hours do so as well. This leads to results in just a few days!

❖    Bring Back Visitors

70% of users never return to your website after leaving. If you want proof, check out your Google Analytics and see how many new and returning visitors you have. 

It is also important to keep them. Their attention has been drawn to your website among all the others. A casual web surfer may not turn into a loyal fan unless you take steps to promote your site properly. 

If you send an email to your subscribers, they are much more likely to revisit your website. Your next great post, well-written announcement, or well-timed sales release will inspire them to come back.

❖    A more effective marketing method than social media

People who want to make an online presence are most likely to use social media. Marketing via social media is certainly one of the best ways to increase brand visibility and drive leads. 

Users of the internet need email more than social media. People check their email inbox more frequently than their social media accounts, as almost every internet user has an email account. 

Being a one-to-one communication medium, email marketing has its own advantages. Email gives businesses worldwide complete control and can be used to generate new customers. A/B testing and segmentation are also capabilities of this email platform, allowing businesses to launch near-perfect marketing campaigns!

In Conclusion

An organization’s growth and success are dependent on its communication. You will gain an advantage over your competitors with a personalized touch to your email. To connect with your customers, a list of email addresses is valuable for doing email marketing. Comparatively to any other marketing channel, it’s easy, reliable, flexible, and affordable. Email marketing is on track to succeed in 2021 and beyond due to these features. 

Thanks for reading! If you gained value from this email, please forward it to 2 small business owners or solopreneurs that might find value too! 


Nikole Haumont, Founder

Shield Bar Marketing 

P.s. if you’re ready to create an email marketing campaign, be consistent with the one you have or upgrade what you are currently doing, reply to this email. We can help!

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