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What is the difference between Content Marketing & Social Media Marketing?

Content marketing and social media marketing are both essential components of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, but they serve different purposes and involve distinct approaches. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between the two:


Content Marketing: This refers to the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. The primary goal is to establish authority, build trust, and ultimately drive profitable customer actions. Content can include blog posts, videos, e-books, infographics, podcasts, and more.

Social Media Marketing: This involves promoting and sharing content on social media platforms to achieve specific marketing goals. It includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and other content that drives audience engagement.


Content Marketing: The main purpose is to provide value to the audience, educate them, and build a long-term relationship. It’s more about pulling the audience towards the brand.

Social Media Marketing: The focus is on building brand awareness, increasing visibility, and encouraging social engagement and interaction. It’s more about pushing the brand’s message to a wider audience.


Content Marketing: Content can be published on a brand’s own website, blogs, email newsletters, and other owned channels.

Social Media Marketing: Content is shared on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok.


Content Marketing: Engagement is often measured by metrics like page views, time spent on page, downloads, and lead generation.

Social Media Marketing: Engagement is measured by likes, shares, comments, retweets, and direct interactions with the audience.


Content Marketing: Often focuses on evergreen content that remains relevant over time and can continue to attract and engage audiences long after it’s published.

Social Media Marketing: Content on social media platforms can have a shorter lifespan due to the fast-paced nature of social feeds.


Content Marketing: Requires a deep understanding of the audience’s needs, interests, and problems. The content should address these areas and position the brand as a thought leader.

Social Media Marketing: Requires understanding the nuances of each platform, what content works best on each, and how to engage with the audience in real-time.


Content Marketing: The ultimate goal is often lead generation, customer acquisition, and customer retention.

Social Media Marketing: Goals can include increasing brand awareness, driving traffic to the website, and fostering community engagement.

In essence, while there’s overlap between content marketing and social media marketing, content marketing is broader and can exist without social media. On the other hand, social media marketing heavily relies on content to engage its audience. For a holistic digital marketing approach, brands often integrate both strategies to maximize reach and engagement.

What does the local SEO to drive more traffic look like? What and how is this being used?


The initial pages will have local SEO done, such as “Custom Cookies in Sahuarita.” We’ll also include keywords for special occasions and other search terms that are shown as prevalent in the Google search. As the website evolves over time, each page will have specific keywords that are geared towards the area that your company serves.

What is being used for website security?


  1. Every website has an SSL installed (secure socket layer). SSL certificates create an encrypted connection and establish trust.
  2. We add in a Google reCAPTCHA check on the login page. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your website.
  3. This site has WAF protection enabled. Our Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a first layer of protection to block hackers and bot attacks before they ever reach your site. The WAF filters requests against our highly optimized managed ruleset covering common attacks (OWASP top ten) and performs virtual patching of WordPress core, plugin, and theme vulnerabilities.
  4. Brute Force Attack Protection – Offending IPs that are trying to create a bruteforce attack against your /wp-login.php & /xmlrpc.php will be rate limited & banned automatically.

Can you please expand on the incremental improvements on the website option? Is this part of the monthly fee or the initial contract fee? How much content is allowed during these improvements a month.


Each month you are allotted time (varies based on package) to make changes or additions to the website. This could include adding a new project, inserting more testimonials, tweaking existing content, etc.; if no new content is provided we work more on the local SEO tweaking and updating what the search engines see.

If we are paying the monthly fee and the website happens to go down, how is this compensated?


The monthly fee includes us monitoring the website and making sure it stays up. We have a 99.95% uptime guarantee, if that is not met, we will credit a portion of your monthly fee based on the amount of time down. i.e. if the site is only available 98% of the time for a given month, we will credit your next invoice 1.95% of your monthly fee. We do have monthly reports that are automatically emailed to you that include this information.

How can we incorporate "more phrases" to ensure more traffic and stay consistently on page one of google?


  1. The best way to incorporate more phrases into your website is to write a monthly blog post about your industry and to add other fresh content to your website. For an additional fee, we can ghost write for you. It is best though if the blog post and images are provided by you so it is more authentic to your voice. A 300-500 blog post with 2-3 images is recommended for short form content, you can then share this on your social media channels. 
  2. As Google algorithms change we do our best to keep your business ranking on the first page of Google. We do not guarantee page one rankings, however, we do have good results with what we do on the site. There are external factors from the website, including directory listings, NAPs and social media signals that help Google and other search engines decide who is on the first page.

Can you please expand more on the website care plan? What exactly does it entail?


The website care plan includes daily checking of any new core file, theme, or plug in updates of the WordPress software that we use to build the website on. It also includes daily backups of all files.

What analytics software is used to analyze traffic?


We use the WPMU Dev analytic software or Google Analytics via MonsterInsights. This includes site visits, unique visits and traffic sources; top pages and posts including page views, unique page views, average time on page, bounce rate, exit rate and entrances.

When integrating a daily and weekly backup schedule to protect the website what does this technically protect?


All files and databases are backed up – everything used to build the website.