
What’s New on LinkedIn?

Linked is an excellent platform to utilize in order to promote your business and network with other professionals in your industry. Here are some updates that have happened on LinkedIn within the past few months:


LinkedIn has New Usage Insights

The platform has recently released updated usage insights for their platform. Some key statistics to note are that since March 2020, the number of live streams has gone up by 89%. Another notable statistic is that over one billion interactions happen every month on LinkedIn pages. All of the statistics the platform provided show small business owners why it is beneficial for them to market themselves on the platform.


Some Users Can Use Swipe-Up Links in Their Stories

Users that have a minimum of 5,000 connections and the follow button instead of Connect as the main action on their profile will now be able to use swipe-up links in their stories. Just like on Instagram, stories that use this feature on LinkedIn will show a “see more” button that users can interact with. This is a great call-to-action to use in order to gain more website visits and keep your connections engaged with your content.


LinkedIn Marketing Labs

LinkedIn Marketing Labs is a platform that users can go to learn how to run effective ads on the platform. This is a great tool to utilize if you want more information about how to run ads in a way that will help you gain new potential clients or website visits.


LinkedIn Product Pages Have a Lead Generation Form

Product pages give companies the ability to promote specific products. Companies are also able to answer questions, show reviews, and give overviews. Now companies can also link lead generation forms on their product pages. These forms will auto generate forms with information from LinkedIn user’s profiles when they click a button.


Individual Posts Have Privacy Settings

At the beginning of this year, LinkedIn released a new feature that lets users restrict their audiences and people’s ability to comment on their individual posts. This means that you can customize your privacy settings differently on each post if you want to.


The Home Page Provides More Feedback

When you click on your home page, at the top of the page there is a dashboard that gives you some quick analytics. You can see how many views you’ve gotten on your profile recently and how many times your latest update has been shared. There is now an additional box where you can engage with your connections. This update makes engaging with your connections even easier to do, which will help you allocate your time on the platform more efficiently. 


The App has Released New Analytics

You are now able to find out more about who visits your profile. With these new analytics, you can see the industries that your visitors work in, their most common job titles, where they are reading your content from, and how they found your content. This will help you to see who you are attracting to your profile and create content that is catered to your audience.

These new updates on LinkedIn will allow small business owners who use the platform to manage their time more efficiently and get to know their audiences better. Make sure that you check back to stay up to date with LinkedIn’s new updates.